It’s Three O’Clock…

It’s 3 O’Clock in the morning and I am not dancing.…!

Most of my patrons don’t know me well nor do I know them well. I hope to change that a little. Instead of just announcements I will communicate a little about me and I am interested to learn a little more about you. This blog is a part of that effort.

Early Riser

I have always been a morning person and I love new beginnings and every new day of life is exciting to me but 3 AM? Here’s how it all started:

I was awake at 2:30 AM visualizing a piece of art I wanted to create. I had retired early and was well rested. I chose to get started. After coffee and news (via iPad and headset so I don’t wake Carol) I went to my studio and started painting, digitally of course.

In The Pre-Dawn Stillness

…my creativity seems to be at its peak. I’ve read spiritual teaching that believe thought waves from other people are at their low ebb at that time and one has easier access to intuition and creativity. I explored and improvised without limitations. The result was some abstract painting that seemed to leap off the screen and take a life of their own. I posted on online and asked my fans if it was a keeper. To my great surprise I got a message from a NY gallerist who complimented it and said he’s like to see more of my work. I have posted some of my new work in the4 newsletter and you can also follow my posts at

That night I retired early and the next day I awakened early and did the same routine again. Now 3 AM painting is a habit and with with a siesta in early afternoon my my creativity and production are peak. I dig the groove! The crazy hours means I have to make appointments to meet or telephone with people but otherwise the only inconvenience(?) is I need to retire early. I’m told that will make me healthy, wealthy and wise.


I am remarkably health for an octogenarian, thank good genes, and I guess most know that I have also been dealing with a spine injury for a while now. (seems like forever) If you haven’t seen me around please understand. I’m hoping new treatments will help. To take a load off and generally improve health I decided to make another lifestyle change to loose 20 pounds. As of this morning I am down16 pounds and thinking of going for another 10. I told Carol I feel taller. She says she thinks it’s about gravity.

Munching and Mindfulness

I have been a student of mindfulness for some time and I have given up reaching total enlightenment in this lifetime because I am a such a slow learner. But, a remarkable change has been happening lately. The process of making new kinds of choices has sharpened my focus and increased my awareness. I didn’t expect that benefit of weight loss but I have benefitted profoundly and I am grateful.

Thank you for being a friend, a fan or a patron! I sincerely appreciate you. I welcome your comments of questions at or 719-433-5299.

Be well and happy,



Walking In Wonder